Monday, August 14, 2006

How to Ignore the Obvious

Recently I've been thinking about a portion of Winston Churchill's account of his time as PM of Great Britian during WWII. Specifically, the section titled The Gathering Storm. In it, among many other things, he details how he constantly warned of German efforts to re-arm in direct opposition to international law and treaty. He shows how, in spite of having the facts at hand, politicians took action based on willful ignorance. Choosing to negotiate and barter...based on a policy now known as appeasement.

The reason I've been thinking of this lately is I feel that we (the liberal democracies of the "west") are falling into the same trap with respect to Iran and its influence on events around the world. And also a slightly smaller degree, radical islam.

  • Iran seeks nuclear weapons in spite of signing an international agreement to the contrary.

  • Iran supplies and incites terrorist groups to illegal acts (Hezbollah crossing a international border to kill and kidnap).

  • Iran brutally and relentlessly opresses civil opposition within its own borders.

  • Iran certainly harbors Al Queda

  • Iran incites unrest and violence in Iraq

Iran's clandestine involvement in Iraq certainly has complicated our work there. To what degree we'll never be sure. Did we anticipate this? Probably not. We certainly should have.

Iran does all this with No consequences what-so-ever. It's met with negotiation and...impotence. What is our govermnet doing to prevent Iranian interference in Iran? Lebanon? Elsewhere? The current situation shares many similarities with that of pre-war Nazi Germany. Not the least of which is the goal of the radical islamists. Hence the term islamic fascists.

Will the west wake up in time? Have we learned anything from the past? In an age of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons, how many will have to die before we do?

In a comment to sinemans' post:, shawnm stated,
August 11th...the sign has been removed...has someone become afraid again and stolen it?

We should all be afraid. Although, I suggest, not of the sineman or his signs.

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