Tuesday, August 15, 2006

A Constructive Idea

A Novelty? No, an idea, supported by a bit of history, with an eye toward a more peaceful future.

Ever hear of Tito? Yugoslavia? A land of differing people, held together for decades by fear. Fear of its liberator dictator, Tito, backed by Moscow. Eventually, Tito died, and eventually, Yugoslavia fell apart. What followed was war, destruction, and a new term, Ethnic Cleansing. It didn't end until the West (liberal democracies) intervened and brought the parties together to sign the Dayton Accords. Perhaps preventing the death of tens of thousands of Muslims.

Years later, peace, thriving democracy, and life for all parties.

Iraq was carved from the deceased Ottoman Empire at the end of WWI and given to the British by the League of Nations. It was granted indepenence briefly before the British seized it again in 1941 fearing loosing it's supply of oil at a critical time (WWII). After the British released it, a series of coups followed which led it into the hands of the Ba'ath party. Iraq's Tito, backed by a crazy combination of the US and Moscow. Now that the Ba'ath party is gone, the differing people of Iraq are unable to live with eachother. We're led to believe that sectarian violence (violence between different sects of a religion) is occuring daily in various cities.

If this is the case, perhaps another version of the Dayton Accords can be implemented to secure a peaceful co-existence. Divide the factions. Let them establish goverments, limited police forces, economies, guarantee human rights, free commerce, etc. Divide the nation's wealth among the factions. FORCE cooperation between the factions at the highest levels. In time, a decade?, perhaps, these factions will choose to unite again as a peaceful community. But at least, give them to the tools to live, to ability to choose, the chance to succeed.


One key point:
It’s hard to imagine a scenario where significant numbers of U.S. troops will be in Iraq a decade from now, given the political pressure to withdraw them. But clearly there will have to be the same kind of patience and commitment shown by the international community in rebuilding Iraq for many years if the reconstruction effort is to be as successful there as it has been in the Balkans.

"...given the political pressure..." perhaps the political pressure would shift under a more concrete plan.

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