Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Great Minds

How does the saying go? Great minds think alike?

Terror Cells Tracked in Palestinian Territories

One interesting point here is that you've got the Israelis, Palestinians, and Jordanians all agreeing on something.

Both the Palestianian and Israeli intelligence services report that terrorist cells with connections to al-Qaida have been established.

and later:
Jordan's King Abdullah II, whose secret service has solid West Bank intelligence, has also confirmed activity within the terror cells.

Palestinians are sent off to "religious schools" where they are recruited into the terror network. Then they are sent home to "spread the good word". Additionally, agents of Al-Qaida are infiltrating the area.

Another interesting point:
European Union border patrols are also stationed at Rafah, but they only have observer status and can do little to stop the problem.


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