Monday, July 31, 2006

More Evidence of how Little We All Know

Here are a few more (selected) items that may help show how little the media in the U.S. really covers.





Across the board, without exception, there has been no discussion of these in Main Stream Media. Don't you wonder why?

Well, for one, they make complex situations out of what people would like to be simple ones. People would like to be able to point and say "you are bad" or "you are wrong". In some cases that's possible. However, in most cases it's not.

Additionally, the media loves headlines! Soundbites! And 10 second video clips. If you have to read a paragraph or two to "get it", it's no good. Too long. I heard the term drive-by media the other day...I like it. Mainstream media pulls up to your house, pops off a couple of headlines or soundbites and never looks back. They're off to the next breaking story. Never taking the time to give you proper background, context, or even the full story.

OK, so, let's just accept that this is true just for a second. You should still be wondering...what's the point? What do they stand to gain from doing this? Sure some people have personal agendas but, it really goes beyond that.

The line between news and entertainment is virtually gone. With multiple 24 news channels and a consolidating print industry (newspapers), capturing audience is do or die. So just remember, the goal of big media is NOT to inform you. It's to keep you watching/reading. The simplest way to do that is to play off your emotion not your intellect.

It's your job to dig up something that resembles the truth. You'll probably never find it but, at least you can be better informed. Sometimes you'll find things you don't like. Things that are contrary to your opinion or intuition. That's the point. Read it! You may learn something.

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